How to use Microsoft Excel to Map Data into XOG Files, then Update Directly to CA PPM.

By Federico Pena On July 17, 2015


The power of Microsoft Excel is positively dynamic when working with XOG conversions for CA PPM. In case you haven’t heard, IT-ROI continually tries to make PPM simpler, whether it’s small scale to help out worker bees like us or large scale enterprise solutions that we prvide. Everyone wants to save time in their work day, so here is a way to save some of that precious time via Microsoft Excel and IT-ROI’s free-to-use XOG client.

Check out the video tutorial and the 10 steps on how to generate and build your XML files to be able to XOG them directly into CA PPM. 

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Performance Pros and Cons with CA PPM 14.2

By Marc Latreille On June 25, 2015

Doug Greer (CA PPM Solutions Architect) over at Rego Consulting along with Camille Pack (Rego's Expert Content Creator) recently got together to discuss CA PPM 14.2 performance and outlook.  It's such a great read for everyone who shares the CA PPM space, so I thought I would get permission to re-publish the orginal blog post by Camille over at Rego Consulting.

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CA PPM 14.2 Tips & Tricks - Jaspersoft Server as a Windows Service

By Luis Palacios On April 29, 2015

As new releases come out, there are always new Tips & Tricks to be shared with the CA PPM community. OOB Jaspersoft configuration for the CA PPM 14.2 release will not run properly as a Windows service, and we have the solution.

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MSP Scheduler Unable to Open Projects or Saving Back to CA PPM

By Luis Palacios On March 12, 2015

In the last couple of months we’ve received various inquiries on the MSP connector provided by CA Technologies. The main problem that comes to mind are issues when trying to open the drop down menu under the project, to open in scheduler. Or to save back into CA PPM if the settings are not correct in NSA.

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CA PPM XOG Best Practices Webinar Replay with Questions and Answers Transcript

By Marc Latreille On January 27, 2015


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CA PPM: Security error when adding a resource in Project, Team, Staff Page or adding a project to Resource, Allocation page.

By Luis Palacios On November 21, 2014

ERROR : "One or more resources could not be added. Possibly due to security"

When adding a resource in Project > Team > Staff Page or adding a project to Resource > Allocation page, if the user selects the checkbox for one or more project or resource that is already listed before clicking 'Add', an error is thrown in the UI: "One or more resources could not be added. Possibly due to security"The same issue arises also when you try to add a project to a resource's Allocation Tab, after selecting one or more projects that is already added to the resource.
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CA Clarity configuration nightmares: lost NSA configuration or database invalid.

By Luis Palacios On September 12, 2014

Out in the wild when modifying/upgrading/installing/configuring NSA or Clarity config files you may end up on quite the situation, out of nowhere one of the following issues can occur:
  • NSA configuration is lost and you may receive a label indicating properties are invalid.
    This issue is common when an admin presses more than once the save button in NSA or if during save any tripwire or AV software rejects the operation.

    If you go to your properties file it will be empty, and therefore our best recommendation is either restore from a previous backup or query the settings from the cmn_config table.

  • Another issue that may occur is that your application won’t start and the DB will be in an invalid state.

    The first thing to do is check the DB has not suffered any changes or integrity issues. Proceed to test the configuration from NSA, preferably using a query tool to make sure the credentials haven’t changed or expired. After confirming all of the above, if the issue still persists go into NIKU_ROOT/config/ If the file is empty or does not match your current version go ahead and contact CA Support as this file is used to validate the database current version against the application’s current one.


CA PPM ask an expert panel

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Error "ODF-0101: No object found" after deleting sub object that has virtual attribute that reference an attribute of the master object

By Luis Palacios On August 29, 2014

Hello PPMers,

Here is a CA Clarity tutorial that you may find useful:

Error "ODF-0101: No object found" after deleting sub object that has virtual attribute that reference an attribute of the master object
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Fiscal period in use - Clarity PPM Query and Cost Plans

By Luis Palacios On August 29, 2014

Cost Plans provide great functionality in Clarity PPM. It is common for several users to have access to them. So it’s easy to end in a fiscal period nightmare if you make a typo when creating the fiscal periods.We have seen this case with several customers, when they realize the periods are not accurate. By the time they realize this, a user already created a Clarity PPM Cost Plan and as soon as they try to delete or deactivate, the system won’t allow it. If your Clarity PPM environment has a couple thousand projects and a handful of PMs, it is going to be painful to track the culprit and remove it.

The below Clarity PPM query can easily identify time periods in use and provide information about the investment:

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CA Clarity PPM Tips and Tricks, Tutorials, Knowledge.

By Marc Latreille On August 29, 2014

Our mission is to make PPM simpler. One way we can achieve this is to help you the best we can with your PPM challenges or issues that hurt your productivity during your work day.

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