Performance Pros and Cons with CA PPM 14.2

By Marc Latreille On June 25, 2015

Doug Greer (CA PPM Solutions Architect) over at Rego Consulting along with Camille Pack (Rego's Expert Content Creator) recently got together to discuss CA PPM 14.2 performance and outlook.  It's such a great read for everyone who shares the CA PPM space, so I thought I would get permission to re-publish the orginal blog post by Camille over at Rego Consulting.

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CA PPM's GEL "The Necessary Evil" Best Practices with Files Download

By Marc Latreille On May 13, 2015


That's right, GEL is the the necessary evil when it comes to CA PPM. Poorly written GEL scripts cause all sorts of issues that everyone wants to avoid. Just because you can do anything in GEL, doesn't mean that you should. >More

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CA PPM 14.2 Tips & Tricks - Jaspersoft Server as a Windows Service

By Luis Palacios On April 29, 2015

As new releases come out, there are always new Tips & Tricks to be shared with the CA PPM community. OOB Jaspersoft configuration for the CA PPM 14.2 release will not run properly as a Windows service, and we have the solution.

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CA Clarity PPM Action Items XOG API - Download

By Marc Latreille On April 28, 2015

The Action Items XOG API was unpublished functionality that CA developed for CA Clarity PPM Version 12. We got our hands on it, and built an App to enable Action Item approval amongst other things from a mobile device. 

We love to share, so here you go.



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Free CA PPM Portlet: Timesheet Actuals

By Luis Palacios On March 27, 2015

Updated June 12, 2022

One of the most common requests we receive over the years is to simplify data analysis in CA PPM. Reviewing actuals for a specific resource in CA PPM can sometimes require extensive clicks, that wastes too much time, especially if the level of detail the user wants is high.

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MSP Scheduler Unable to Open Projects or Saving Back to CA PPM

By Luis Palacios On March 12, 2015

In the last couple of months we’ve received various inquiries on the MSP connector provided by CA Technologies. The main problem that comes to mind are issues when trying to open the drop down menu under the project, to open in scheduler. Or to save back into CA PPM if the settings are not correct in NSA.

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CA PPM v13.3 - Odd behavior that allows to hide fields without a default value

By Nestor Beleno On October 01, 2014

There is a strange CA-PPM Studio behavior that allows to hide fields without a default value. It looks like some kind of non controlled action. It may happen as follows:
  1. In a particular attribute, set a default value. It could be a date or a text field.
  2. Then, go to an object view and click on [Fields]
  3. Go to the field and make sure to flag the Hidden checkbox.
  4. Go back to the attribute and remove the default value.

What will happen.

The attribute disappears from the view without a default value which is odd. The field configuration in the view will show the Hidden checkbox unchecked and read-only.

The good news is that it is reversible:

  1. Go to the attribute configuration and put a default value again.
  2. Go to the field configuration in the view and unckeck the Hidden checkbox.

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Gantt virtual field navigation in a portlet not keeping filter results in CA Clarity PPM version 13.3

By Nestor Beleno On August 31, 2014

In a Clarity PPM v13.3 environment we created a custom grid portlet based on the Project Object and configured a Gantt virtual field to show project start and finish dates along with baseline start and finish dates.When applying the filtering criteria including a specific OBS unit the results were pulled correctly, but they disappeared when navigating left or right in the Gantt virtual field timeline.

This was confirmed as a Clarity bug coded as CLRT-75423 - Results disappears after click on TSV left/right

The workaround is to click the Filter button again to make the results re-appear.


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Action Due Date attribute overrides the process escalation settings in Clarity PPM version 13.3

By Nestor Beleno On August 29, 2014

In a version 13.3 Clarity PPM environment, we setup a process escalation in a process step. The system was configured with a default value for the Due date attribute of the Action object.


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Escalation notification not showing values - CA Clarity PPM v13.3

By Nestor Beleno On August 29, 2014

I've been working in a custom process for a while in CA Clarity PPM v13.3. I found a strange behavior regarding the notification of the escalation that was set up.

Although the initial action works just fine, the email notification sent once, it is escalated and does not show any value.

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