CA Clarity NY/NJ Annual User Group Event, Come Join Us

By Marc Latreille On July 30, 2015

tradeshowRegister for the CA Clarity NY/NJ Annual user group event which will be held in Manhattan. Click on the  link to register: Save the Date-Annual CA Clarity NY/NJ User Group Event. There is no cost! and click yes if you are going to attend. You must register in order for you to attend the event. This is an in person meeting, we look forward to seeing you there! 

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How to use Microsoft Excel to Map Data into XOG Files, then Update Directly to CA PPM.

By Federico Pena On July 17, 2015


The power of Microsoft Excel is positively dynamic when working with XOG conversions for CA PPM. In case you haven’t heard, IT-ROI continually tries to make PPM simpler, whether it’s small scale to help out worker bees like us or large scale enterprise solutions that we prvide. Everyone wants to save time in their work day, so here is a way to save some of that precious time via Microsoft Excel and IT-ROI’s free-to-use XOG client.

Check out the video tutorial and the 10 steps on how to generate and build your XML files to be able to XOG them directly into CA PPM. 

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Performance Pros and Cons with CA PPM 14.2

By Marc Latreille On June 25, 2015

Doug Greer (CA PPM Solutions Architect) over at Rego Consulting along with Camille Pack (Rego's Expert Content Creator) recently got together to discuss CA PPM 14.2 performance and outlook.  It's such a great read for everyone who shares the CA PPM space, so I thought I would get permission to re-publish the orginal blog post by Camille over at Rego Consulting.

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IT-ROI is Globally SOC-certified for Excellence

By Marc Latreille On June 19, 2015

IT-ROI Solutions is now globally SOC-certified for the excellence of our internal and external IT services & systems. This is encouraging news for IT-ROI, as this certification essentially reaffirms our self-proclaimed stance of excellence. We have always talked a big game when it comes to being PPM integration software vendors, as creditability and trust is everything.  Our IM and SA teams had some discussions around this, and I want to share the good word.

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CA PPM 14.2 & Jaspersoft - Rego Experts Discussng New Features and Solutions on air at PPM Hangouts

By Marc Latreille On June 12, 2015

Image Credit: Rego Consulting

There sure is plenty of hype these days around CA PPM 14.2, and for great reason with the new Jaspersoft integration among other exciting new stuff. IT-ROI has been planning a webinar for this, focusing on the Jaspersoft integration with CA PPM 14.2, but our CA PPM Services partner Rego Consulting made us aware of their recent panel discussion "Experts Discuss Jaspersoft & CA PPM 14.2"  

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New CA PPM XOG Client & Query Bridge "How To" Demo Video

By Marc Latreille On June 02, 2015

The below “how to” XOG and SQL Query demo teaches users how to use IT-ROI's XOG and Query Client (XQ) core functionalities. The intended audience for this tool includes CA PPM integrators, system administrators, and technical consultants who have the need to read data from or write data to CA PPM using XML and web services.  We assume the viewer is already familiar with XML and SQL code and the CA PPM application.

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CA PPM's GEL "The Necessary Evil" Best Practices with Files Download

By Marc Latreille On May 13, 2015


That's right, GEL is the the necessary evil when it comes to CA PPM. Poorly written GEL scripts cause all sorts of issues that everyone wants to avoid. Just because you can do anything in GEL, doesn't mean that you should. >More

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CA PPM 14.2 Tips & Tricks - Jaspersoft Server as a Windows Service

By Luis Palacios On April 29, 2015

As new releases come out, there are always new Tips & Tricks to be shared with the CA PPM community. OOB Jaspersoft configuration for the CA PPM 14.2 release will not run properly as a Windows service, and we have the solution.

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CA Clarity PPM Action Items XOG API - Download

By Marc Latreille On April 28, 2015

The Action Items XOG API was unpublished functionality that CA developed for CA Clarity PPM Version 12. We got our hands on it, and built an App to enable Action Item approval amongst other things from a mobile device. 

We love to share, so here you go.



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Enterprise Application Integration for CA PPM - Best Practices Workflow

By Marc Latreille On April 27, 2015

During our CA PPM Enterprise Application Integration Best Practices Webinar last week, there was specific interest and time spent around the Integration workflow info-graphic. It was explained step-by-step in great detail, and we received lots of great feedback for it being very helpful. I know it's imperative for every organization to have their enterprise integrations running smoothly and efficiently, so lets highlight it and take another look.

The workflow discussion during the webinar outlined:

  • How data should be treated.

  • What the best approach is for manipulating the data.

  • What the best methodologies are for getting that data in CA PPM to be able to report properly. 

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