Marc Latreille

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Making XOG friendly - How to build data extracts and integrations from/to CA PPM

By Marc Latreille On June 24, 2016

Replay this webinar for all novice and experienced XOG users who have a need to perform data extracts from CA PPM and integrations out of CA PPM.

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Migrating SharePoint to Office 365 - Replay the Webinar

By Marc Latreille On April 29, 2016

Check out this educational webinar, IT-ROI's founder Federico Pena shares the ups and downs of the process of moving Microsoft SharePoint to Office 365 and what it means to your PMO. Plus he shares all the great resouces and links used in the webinar.


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What is XOG with 3 takeaways of XOG & Query Bridge

By Marc Latreille On April 19, 2016

There has been lots of debate over the years regarding XOG and the different XOG tools available. With all this debate comes content surrounding what XOG is and all of the benefits it provides to CA PPM users and developers like us. This post is a listing of some great resources and XOG tools to help build a knowledge base of everything XOG. So dig in and become a XOG expert. Please feel free to leave a comment with suggestions that we can include in the list. 

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How to make SharePoint the gateway to your PPM

By Marc Latreille On March 30, 2016

Learn how SharePoint can help businesses overcome their PPM challenges while leveraging existing SharePoint licenses.



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IT-ROI @ CA World '15

By Marc Latreille On November 18, 2015

Let the fun begin! Our VIP breakfast was a huge success.

The IT-ROI experts team down in Vegas are feeding all sorts of pics and insight to me, so I thought to share the good word with our subscribers. Check back or follow this post as I will be updating it as the news comes rolling in. 



IT-ROI's Glen Redden on the left and Christopher Claunch just finishing up breakfast and heading to IT-ROI's pedestal # 116P





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Webinar Replay - Integrating Microsoft Excel & SharePoint with CA PPM to Drive PMO Success

By Marc Latreille On November 16, 2015

In this webinar, hosted by CA Technologies, Federico Pena, president of IT-ROI Solutions shows how the power of Microsoft Excel and SharePoint can dramatically increase your PMO’s productivity.

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WinMill Software and IT-ROI Solutions Announce Partnership

By Marc Latreille On October 28, 2015

NEW YORK, NY – October 28, 2021 - WinMill Software and IT-ROI Solutions, both of whom are service partners and channel Partner resellers with CA Technologies, announced today a joining of forces in the form of a strategic partnership. Effective immediately, WinMill Software is an authorized reseller of IT-ROI Solutions powerful software product offerings that extend the CA PPM application. The software stack includes PPM Boss Suite for SharePoint integration, PPM Excel Interface, IB3 - Integration Bridge and MB3 - Migration Bridge. WinMill is also IT-ROI's preferred services partner for the PPM Boss Suite.

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Webinar Replay - Learn how to be a XOG Expert

By Marc Latreille On October 02, 2015


This webinar showed how you can use the free tools in XOG & Query Bridge and combine them to see all the powerful things that you can do with CA PPM.


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Do the 4 Step CA PPM SharePoint Integration - New Product Announcement

By Marc Latreille On August 06, 2015

PPM studioBoss gives organizations the ability to make CA PPM completely bi-directional with Microsoft SharePoint.


If a picture says a thousand words when it comes to having the ability to create any CA PPM integration with SharePoint in 4 steps:studioboss-ca-ppm-sharepoint-info-graphic

Then I say a video says a million words, see how the 4 Step is performed:

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CA Clarity NY/NJ Annual User Group Event, Come Join Us

By Marc Latreille On July 30, 2015

tradeshowRegister for the CA Clarity NY/NJ Annual user group event which will be held in Manhattan. Click on the  link to register: Save the Date-Annual CA Clarity NY/NJ User Group Event. There is no cost! and click yes if you are going to attend. You must register in order for you to attend the event. This is an in person meeting, we look forward to seeing you there! 

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