Making XOG friendly - How to build data extracts and integrations from/to CA PPM

Migrating SharePoint to Office 365 - Replay the Webinar

What is XOG with 3 takeaways of XOG & Query Bridge

How to make SharePoint the gateway to your PPM

IT-ROI @ CA World '15

Webinar Replay - Integrating Microsoft Excel & SharePoint with CA PPM to Drive PMO Success

Career Opp with IT-ROI - Sales Development Representatives

WinMill Software and IT-ROI Solutions Announce Partnership

Webinar Replay - Learn how to be a XOG Expert

PPM Boss Suite 2.2 Release - What's new and Change Log

Do the 4 Step CA PPM SharePoint Integration - New Product Announcement

CA Clarity NY/NJ Annual User Group Event, Come Join Us

How to use Microsoft Excel to Map Data into XOG Files, then Update Directly to CA PPM.

Performance Pros and Cons with CA PPM 14.2

IT-ROI is Globally SOC-certified for Excellence

CA PPM 14.2 & Jaspersoft - Rego Experts Discussng New Features and Solutions on air at PPM Hangouts

New CA PPM XOG Client & Query Bridge "How To" Demo Video

CA PPM's GEL "The Necessary Evil" Best Practices with Files Download

CA PPM 14.2 Tips & Tricks - Jaspersoft Server as a Windows Service

CA Clarity PPM Action Items XOG API - Download

Enterprise Application Integration for CA PPM - Best Practices Workflow

Free CA PPM Portlet: Timesheet Actuals

XOG & Query Bridge (XQ) Web Version Change Log

CA PPM Integration Best Practices Replay Video

XOG (XML Open Gateway) Best Practices Webinar UK Edition - Replay the Webinar with Q & A Transcript.

MSP Scheduler Unable to Open Projects or Saving Back to CA PPM

XOG & Query Bridge User Review from CA Communities - "Great new XOG tool - check it out!"

Top 5 Reasons to Integrate CA Clarity PPM with Microsoft

CA PPM XOG Best Practices Webinar Replay with Questions and Answers Transcript

CA PPM: Security error when adding a resource in Project, Team, Staff Page or adding a project to Resource, Allocation page.

CA PPM - Timesheets filter: Auto-suggest for the OBS Unit field never returns any OBS Units.

Roadmap 2015 - PPM studioBoss and XQ at CA World 14'

The great things that you can do when CA PPM is integrated with SharePoint - Webinar replay video.

CA PPM v13.3 - Odd behavior that allows to hide fields without a default value

CA PPM productivity tool with 100% automated XOG technology.

CA Clarity configuration nightmares: lost NSA configuration or database invalid.

How does ideation work for CA Clarity PPM?

Gantt virtual field navigation in a portlet not keeping filter results in CA Clarity PPM version 13.3

Error "ODF-0101: No object found" after deleting sub object that has virtual attribute that reference an attribute of the master object

Action Due Date attribute overrides the process escalation settings in Clarity PPM version 13.3

Fiscal period in use - Clarity PPM Query and Cost Plans

Escalation notification not showing values - CA Clarity PPM v13.3

CA Clarity PPM Tips and Tricks, Tutorials, Knowledge.

Link to a Link Chooser in CA Clarity PPM: Link Resource Finder or Resource Selection

An interview with IT-ROI's president Federico Peña - all about PPM solutions, enterprise application integration tools and how we got to where we are today.

IT-ROI's new channel partner - set to offer their HP PPM clients Microsoft SharePoint integration via IT-ROI PPM connector tools.

Time-Scaled Clarity PPM Portlet: Error when scrolling

GEL Script in Clarity PPM - XOG Endpoint

Crystal Reports: Line Series Chart for CA Clarity PPM

CA Clarity PPM: Troubleshooting BOXI Integration

Instalacion schema en Oracle para Clarity PPM version 13

Columna Virtual Gantt for Clarity PPM version 13

CA Clarity Integration tools and add-ons - a client's perspective

Issues in Clarity PPM when converting an Idea to a project via custom process

Home Page is not loading and user get Blank page without Menu

Strange behavior with Portfolio Registered Attributes in Clarity PPM V 13.3

How to Make PPM epiphany at Gartner PPM Summit

XOG and Query client for CA Clarity PPM is now available.

XB3 Beta Version - Feedback request.

Issues with the Team Actuals not being reflected in the Investment Actuals field.

Locating CA Clarity PPM files with filestore

Clarity: Default Currency code isn't saved when entering a Money amount for an incident

Mobile Time Manager: Partial time periods can cause the mobile app to display incorrect hours when saved even though the hours are correct when the timesheet is viewed through the web UI.

Error "ODF-0101: No object found" after deleting sub object that has virtual attribute that reference an attribute of the master object

Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell

Availability Slices not updated

NBI_DIM_OBS table not updated when modifying OBS

Locating files on filestore

“Compare to” fields available in task list view

Video - IT-ROI makes PPM simpler at the Gartner PPM & IT Summit

Query Builder for Clarity PPM

Clarity PPM Tips & Tricks - Keyboard Shortcuts.

Clarity PPM Services manipulation

Clarity PPM Tips & Tricks - Health Check

CA PPM Abort Process Instance

CA Clarity PPM Migration tips & tricks - Service NET help MSG error

See firsthand how we make PPM simpler via innovation at the Gartner PPM & IT Summit

Clarity PPM Tips & Tricks - Project Filter Issue

Clarity PPM Tips & Tricks - Timesheet displayed tasks

Clarity PPM Tips & Tricks - Audit trail on lookup values

Clarity PPM Tips & Tricks - Tracing automatically generated values when creating cost plans from Resource Plan

Crystal Report can’t run

Oracle DB external connection error

Datamart Extraction Job fails

Custom attributes updated to default value when working with XOG

Allocation Details do not show up

Collaboration Manager and Participants

CA PPM XOG in custom attachment attributes

CA PPM Tips and Tricks - Export custom attachment attributes

CA PPM Tips and Tricks - Delete Task and team members with XOG

CA PPM Tips and Tricks - Task Start and Finish Date

CA PPM Tips and Tricks - Custom HTML Portlet with CA Clarity PPM content information.

Clarity Financials Architecture Changes

CA PPM Tips and Tricks - Custom Portlet Best Practice when working with Javascript and JSP

CA PPM Tips & Tricks - Audits Architecture

Linq To SharePoint: Queries contextuales.

Linq to SharePoint, altas, bajas y modificaciones.

Introducción a Linq to SharePoint.

Features en SharePoint.

Parámetros de configuración adicionales SPMETAL

Introducción a SPMetal

Directivas de compilación condicional C#, utilidades

Evitar activación de Feature programáticamente.


Clarity PPM CSRF Attack v13.x - Steps to Fix the Issue

Clarity v13x PPM Tips & tricks - 5 steps to enable Clarity Departments

CA PPM Tips & Tricks - Service NET Help MSG Error After Environment Migration or Copy

Datamart Extraction Job fails xp_msver

See Closed Timesheets

Tips & Tricks - 7 Step Guide on CA PPM v13 for Time Entry

Strategic technology trends for 2014

Big data market opportunities. Our present. Our future.

Business Intelligence redefinition and evolution. What is on IT for me?

SharePoint Designer 2013 - Design View in Advanced Edit Mode is no Longer Available

SharePoint Designer 2013 breaking the PerformancePoint dashboard connections

Data analytics standing out and is proven to be highly strategic for businesses nowadays

CA PPM Tips & Tricks - Location field and Location OBS unit do not always match

CA PPM Tips & Tricks - How to calculate the IRR that appears in project financial summary in CA's Clarity PPM

Use of UNION statements to join data collections for calculating indicators and financial aggregated information.

Troubleshooting tips for Clarity-MSP (Microsoft Project) interface.

Troubleshooting issues with the Timesheet Populate Buttons

CA PPM Performance issues in Clarity v12 in contrast to Clarity v13

CA PPM Investment Timesheet Review portlet limitation regarding indirect time

OBS unit to OBS unit inherited permissions. OBS association mode misinterpretation.

Clarity known issue about partitioned lookup values in list views (edit mode)

Linq DataTable in C#

Pivot - Integration Services

Query Actuals de Cost Plan Clarity V13.

Query Cost Plan Clarity V13

Cost Plan Grouping Attributes Clarity V12 vs Clarity V13.

Clarity PPM - Lookup Project Stage

Cambiar logo Clarity.

Trabajos en estado "Procesando" y nunca terminan

Error fatal cuando se realiza un Upgrade de Clarity PPM.

Lectura que no debes dejar pasar antes de realizar un Upgrade de Clarity PPM.

IT-ROI Integration Bridge suite Release Notes, January 2014

SharePoint to CA's Clarity PPM Integration Webinar Series

PPM timesheetBoss Webinar Replay - Clarity PPM to SharePoint bi-directional timesheet integration

PPM task/scrumBoss webinar replay - Clarity to SharePoint bi-directional and mobile task management

SharePoint to Clarity PPM Bi-directional Integration webinar - docBoss with portletBoss Replay Video

Clarity to SharePoint Bi-directional Integration - Webinar Series

CA PPM Tips and Tricks - No service found with id

CA World Daily - partner spotlight

What does Agile mean to You?

What is IT-ROI's Agile Advantage?

CA World ?@CAWorld13 - The infamous Christopher Claunch

ITROI Solutions #tookclaritymobile Congratulations! and a few more CA World pics

Your PPM Universe is our Passion

Meet our Super Human Geek

CA World 2013 photos, IT-ROI Pedestals

Hello CA World, 2013

CA Clarity PPM Central Administration Security Groups

CA World 2013 Announcement

Clarity Access Right Descriptions

Clarity PPM Sharepoint connector by IT-ROI Solutions

CA Clarity PPM - Resource Instance Access Rights

CA Clarity PPM - Portfolio Instance Access Rights

CA PPM Idea Instance Access Rights

What Is Creativity's Value--In Marketing, In Business?

CA Clarity PPM - Project Instance Access Rights

CA Clarity PPM Security Conceptual Model

CA Clarity PPM General Security Overview

Clarity Logs Available from the Application UI.

CA Clarity PPM On Demand to On Premise Migration - Technical Considerations

CA Clarity PPM Cost Plan Query with Investment Information

CA Clarity PPM Inherent Rights.

Security Business Rules

CA PPM Tips & Tricks - Removing leading and training spaces with XSLT

Clarity to SharePoint Educationar Replay with Q&A (March 6, 2022 Broadcast)

PPM Document Boss: Clarity to SharePoint Interface EDUCATIONAR Announcement

Clarity: RPT-0006: Invalid Login. Contact system administrator

Clarity has a vulnerability to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Attacks

How to use Clarity v13 SQLTrace

Clarity: Project View Financial and Non-Project Investment (NPIO) View Financial rights only work on the Financial sub-page

Clarity: What Attributes can I see data from on the Portfolio Scorecard Investment Portlet?

Clarity: Project XOG read performance is slow on 13.0.1

Title: Clarity: I have created a custom user-defined Lookup. What table are the display names in for each value in the Lookup

Clarity XOG: The objectType 'inboundTransaction' has been deprecated. Please use the objectType 'transaction' instead

Clarity: BGT: When the 'Benefit Plan' attribute is added to the Cost Plan Properties [Layout: Create] page, the list of available Benefit Plans is for ALL projects.

Clarity: Timesheet time entries that are financially enabled are not backed out when adjusting the timesheet

OWB: Subproject actuals and ETC are not rolling up to the subproject level in views, but Total Usage does.

Clarity: Error 500 when filtering for OBS with thousands of units.

Clarity: Post Timesheet Job incorrectly creates financial transactions for projects with Financial Status not 'Open'

Clarity: Project View Financial and Non-Project Investment (NPIO) View Financial rights only work on the Financial sub-page

Clarity: Some attributes not available for configuration in Power Filter

Clarity: Non-Project Investment (NPIO) Edit Financial rights

Clarity: Resource Weekly Detail Portlet does not sort Available Start or Available Finish dates as expected

Clarity: Export to Excel Errors generated by dates

Clarity: PMO Project Manager Dashboard Portlets Generate Error 500 caused by a future date value

Clarity: Is it possible to hide the 'Grouping Attributes' attribute of Cost Plans object from the create and edit view?

Clarity: Portfolio Alignment report is not returning

Clarity: How do I configure a Power Filter Expression?

Export to excel does not honour the formatting of date fields in Clarity according to language and regional settings

Clarity: v13 Upgrade Notes

Clarity: Match scores may be inaccurate if availability dates do not fall within the following range

Clarity: OWB Resource Task ETC value is higher than total ETC in Task Properties or total ETC forecasted across the timescale

Clarity: Deactivating Lookup Values still appear in the list of values for the attribute on the Create page

Clarity: When Exporting to Excel a port let we receive a warning that the file format differs from the format that the file name extension specifies

Clarity: NPT-244: Fiscal and non-fiscal time-varying attributes cannot be stacked in a time scaled column

Clarity: What table is updated when Add/Remove from my Projects is selected

Clarity: Creating a project 'from template' via XOG fails due to missing attribute (manager_id) if template and project in the same XOG write file

Clarity: Virtual Attribute created for 'Investment Type' is not providing any data value

Clarity: Error 500 When Saving Benefit Plans For Projects Created From Templates That Have Empty Benefit Plan Detail Rows

Clarity: Performance issues when clicking on the Project > Subproject link

Clarity: GL Allocation XOG Causes Updates To last_updated_date Column for the Entire CBK_GL_ALLOCATION_DETAIL table

Last password change date field is not updating when a resource password is changed via the Clarity admin tool

Clarity: Export to Excel with hyperlinks is hitting 65530-links XML Spreadsheet 2003 limitation, throwing Unknown error when opening the xls

Clarity: Cannot delete a Charge Code or change the Charge Code ID

Clarity: Cannot delete a Charge Code or change the Charge Code ID

Earned Value Calculations

CGUC Webinar- 2-way Excel Interface for Clarity PPM

System error installing PMO3.1 on Clarity13.1

How to fix frequent reindexing problems on clustered Clarity systems using Clarity 12.1.x or earlier.

Lock attribute via GEL

APM & Service Assurance Solutions

IT-ROI Solutions Webinar Series - Application Performance Management (APM)

Whiteboard Culture: An Organizational Competitive Advantage?

The future of Creative for IT

Query to find documents with a specific name in incident

Clarity: Resource Workload Portlet 'Show All' Shows Allocation from Inactive Investments

Process Engine icon on the Process Engines page is almost always grey or Process Engine stats don’t show

Query to find Attachments on Project collaboration and Clarity Knowledge Store

CA Clarity PPM query to get a file folder from the database

Q&A Sessions Review - PPM Excel Interface and Clarity Webinar

CA Technologies and IT-ROI Solutions - Value for money and helping enterprises integrate CA Clarity PPM.

Use this Post to ask a question and one of our Software Engineers will be happy to help.

CA Clarity PPM Version 13 Webinar

IT ROI PPM Document Boss SharePoint Interface

Clarity-Service Desk (SD) Integration webinar

IT-ROI's flagship Integration Bridge webinar

SharePoint Clarity Interface